Energy Efficiency Solutions for Historic Buildings – A Handbook
Energy Efficiency Solutions for Historic Buildings – A Handbook
3encult handbook on energy efficiency solutions for historic buildings has recently been published.
Combining the existing know-how of the experts involved, it is a helpful guide for many building owners and professionals tackling the renovation of their specific historic building.
The book starts off with a general introduction to the basic principles of building physics and cultural heritage protection. 
After that it follows the typical sequence of a renovation project from pre-intervention analysis, over general planning guidelines, to a more detailed description of technical solutions. 
These include new solutions developed in 3encult as well as existing energy efficiency solutions for historic buildings. 
After the renovation has been completed, a Building Management System can optimize the operation of the technical systems, while a monitoring system can be used to check if the expected improvements have been achieved. 
The book ends with a description of the 3encult project and its 8 case study buildings where many of the technical solutions were practically implemented.