Romanian local authorities meet in Alba Iulia to discuss energy efficient solutions to preserve your historic buildings
Romanian local authorities meet in Alba Iulia to discuss energy efficient solutions to preserve your historic buildings
More than 40 local authorities gathered in Alba Iulia (Romania) earlier this month for the final 3ENCULT workshop on energy efficiency and cultural heritage dedicated to local authorities.
Decision-makers responsible for the urban planning and climate protection strategy for their municipality met with technical staff working in monument protection, buildings, and energy planning to discuss ideas and initiatives for promoting energy efficiency and preserving celebrated local architecture.
Workshop participants shared their experiences and recommendations on the economic feasibility of refurbishing and protecting historic buildings while reducing energy consumption to meet the challenges of growing tourism in European historic centres. Fabio Andreon from the Municipality of Bologna, who spoke at the event, declared it "an interesting laboratory where projects and participation substantiated and made ambitious ideas concrete".
Resilience, comfort and tourism were also addressed through a series of roundtables which provided opportunities to exchange on the Romanian legal framework for retrofitting buildings. For Giorgia Rambelli, representing ICLEI, the workshop’s success lay in "lively discussion, and interested participants…Alba Iulia provided both the perfect setting and its remarkable experience in discussing the integration between cultural heritage and sustainability".

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