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WP5 - Demonstration


The main objective of this work package is the demonstration of solutions which were identified by WP3. The demonstration of these solutions is developed by industry partners and includes the testing of products like prototypes.
Some of the solutions identified by the WP3 and used, where possible, in the case studies (WP6) will be further assessed by the WP5 partners in order to reduce the gap between the R&D and the market.
Further technical solutions and/or existing product integrations coming from the WPs discussion could be analysed for feasibility study and market assimilation.


The work is split up into the five tasks with different responsible partners:

Task 5.1 High performance capillary active internal Insulation (Remmers)
This kind of proposed components will require high precision in the installation phase and therefore practical demonstration concerning the scientific results and the installation procedures will be required. Further long term behaviour analyses will be necessary for demonstrating the reliability of the solution.

Task 5.2 New heritage-compatible windows (ANDRE)
These activities will have to demonstrate the feasibility and reliability of a window system which is aesthetically compatible with the historic building context but presents much better thermal insulation characteristics than the original windows.

Task 5.3 Wall integrated ventilation and heat recovery system (ATREA)
Laboratory and on site tests will be necessary for fully demonstrating the technical solution. Current solutions will be strongly modified even if the production could be based on current lines.

Task 5.4 Low impact solar systems (G1S)
These activities will have to demonstrate the feasibility and reliability of solar systems integration, which could be aesthetically compatible with the historic building context, maintaining high energy performance.

Task 5.5 High efficiency lighting solution (BLL)
Applied solutions will be analysed in order to be transferred at general cases; for each field of application, tests concerning the global lighting system efficiency, the integration in the building context will be done.

Description of work

Each industrial partner will work for his own products on the following activities:
  • Testing in laboratory and/or at case study sites: Full and deep testing activities on the proposed technical solution.
  • Industrialization: Industry partner will work for the full development and preparation of the end product.
  • Certification: All requirements and activities for the end product certifications will be considered and carried out in the testing and production phase.
  • Demonstration of new solutions.


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